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Sinfonia 3 Beta Test

Thank you for your interest in the Sinfonia 3 Beta Test!

We anticipate releasing the first beta to testers within the next few weeks. After that, we will post updates as quickly as we can, probably at least once/week, but hopefully more often. In the meantime, we wanted to communicate some guidelines and goals, to make the beta as successful as possible.

User Types

We imagine three types of potential users:

  • Player - This is the most prevalent type, at least up until now. It is akin to the type of users who have worked with our technology in the past, whether under the core name Sinfonia or license house brands like OrchExtra or Instrumentalease. This user may not want to dig too deeply into the potential and mainly wants to access an existing musical title and integrate it into an upcoming production quickly.

Sinfonia user icon
  • Director - Like the Player, this user is likely working with an existing title from our vast and ever growing catalog of musical theatre titles. However, a Director may have more sophisticated needs. He or she may want to change the way Sinfonia is performed. He or she may have intricate and frequently changing mix demands that require a more granular level of editing. The Director may want to access personal sound libraries, integrate with other theatre software (e.g. QLabs), and add custom sound effects to the Sinfonia treatment. All this and more is possible in Sinfonia 3.

  • Creator - Finally, with Sinfonia 3, we introduce a brand new category of Sinfonia user, the Creator. As the name suggests, this user will create his or her own content. The Creator may want Sinfonia for a personal, original project, may want to use it in a custom way without necessarily accessing RMS developed content, or may even want to develop their own content to license to third parties. Hey, you might even end up competing with us on marketing certain titles! We don't mind. A creator will be able to access our proprietary license control system. So not only do we hope Creators can use Sinfonia successfully on personal projects, we hope they can make money!

Consider what type of user you might be. The way you explore the beta will be different for each.


It probably goes without saying, but we'll say it anyway: the program is not yet ready for full release. There will be bugs. Some areas are more developed than others. Some sections have not even been included in the beta yet, because we don't think they're far enough along to get productive feedback. There is however a tremendous amount of technology we're really proud of, bugs notwithstanding.

It's in a place where people can get a good sense of what's possible and use it successfully, in limited circumstances. We hope you will approach the beta with a spirit of adventure, rather than expectation. We hope beta testers will be collaborators, who will help us identify bugs faster, offer suggestions, and help us release the best resource imaginable.

Release Process

Along with the beta release, we will make available a short show file (3-4 songs), together with portions of sheet music and unencrypted MIDI files. We also will include a number of starter tutorial videos, to help familiarize you with the

program. There will be a dedicated area on our web site where testers can share files, post questions, report bugs, and get help. We will reach out to registered beta testers when this is ready.

Thank you again! We look forward to sharing Sinfonia 3 with you.

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