Where are Rehearsal Live Share (RLS) recordings saved?
As of r28458, there's no need to root around for the location of the recordings. It's possible to record your cast in stereo, or individual tracks for each user, and share those recordings with the press of a button. See more about that, here.
For those who'd like to know the exact locations of recordings on their computer, here is that information.
RMS Prepared Shows i.e. Sound of Music, Oklahoma, etc
HD/Users/(username)/Library/Application Support/RMS/(Specific RMS product folder)/shows/(show)/RLS recordings
User Created Shows (original user content)
HD/Users/(username)/Library/Application Support/RMS/(Specific RMS product folder)/user_shows/USERIDENTIFIERNUMBER/(showname)/RLS recordings
Note that on mac, the User Library folder is hidden by default. You may circumvent this by clicking on the "Go" menu in the Finder, and holding the "Option" key. This will reveal the user library folder.
RMS Prepared Shows i.e. Sound of Music, Oklahoma, etc
C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\RMS\(Specific RMS product folder)\shows\RLS recordings
User Created Shows (original user content)
C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\RMS\(Specific RMS product folder)\user_shows\USERIDENTIFIERNUMBER\(showname)\RLS recordings
Note that the AppData folder in bold above is hidden by default. You may reveal it by enabling hidden folders to be seen in the view menu.